File1, 2, & 3 for gaiyudu:
First American corporation wanted to change its company's fortune from bad to good. According to the papers, "The company lost $60 million and was in operation under letters of agreement with regulations. FAC changed strategy to a customer relationship focused approach at all operational level ofthe company.
The huge number of customer information collected gave a rise to the need for data warehouse. First American Corporation realised that by providing the customers with the best service possible, they can receive valuable information. This valuable information can be useful in creating new product designs. FAC collected and used customers information through the use of a data warehouse named Vision.
vision collects customer behaviors like spending habbits, product used. It also develops different strategies to help the company tailor a good product design. The prduct produced may create customer satisfaction. In the implementation stage of teh strategy, FAC had to change employee mindset. The new way of working was now banking by information analysis not by banking by intuition. Another success factor is the implementation of vision.
No lines are longer than 80 characters, TYVM.
Other specified properties aren’t being scored automatically at this time so this is not necessarily good news…